Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Web is Dead

The web is used all day, everyday, but they say it's dying. For me thats hard to believe. How is something dying that people use everyday? After reading an article about how and why its dying, I have come to realize that there are other means of using the internet. Apps seem to be taking over the world. Using apps help you get what you need. I learned that they bypass the searching and go directly to getting. This is something that Americans will rejoice over. No one in todays age wants to sit down and search for what they need. They don't have time for that. I want to get things done in the most efficient way possible, and thats through apps. Although a lot of the article confused me as to I am not up with all of the internet/web terms, I do for the most part agree with it. American's wait for the next technological advance. And with that advance comes an entire new meaning of how people communicate and get what they need. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are taking over but connecting people at the same time. I use the web everyday as do most people. The most common sites I use are checking my Email through a school server, Facebook, and the Apple site. For me if the internet were to die and it went to all apps I would be able to manage. Just as I think other American's will do. The web may die but people will not die without the web.


  1. Today's society is all about getting things done quickly and efficiently which is exactly what the apps are doing for us now. If the web dies people may be scared of it at first, but once they realize what is replacing it they will rejoice just like you said.

  2. I am probably the most impatient person on the face of the earth!! (something I need to work on lol)... anyway...I completely agree! People do not have time to sit and wait around for internet web pages to load! Thank God that dial up has become ancient because I know I would not be able to handle it lol! I feel that as an American, it is part of our culture to be extremely impatient. People want instant gratification, regardless of what that involves, and the internet is just another part of life where this comes into play, and why apps are becoming so popular!

  3. I'm all for technological advances on anything and just because apps may take over the internet it doesn't mean the web will actually ever die. Far less people in the world may use it just like far less people read books or newspapers because of the internet or listen to the radio because of televison. But books, newspapers and radio still continue to live. There will always be a passionate writer, radio personality or web designer that will refuse to let these things die.
